Our Director, Greg Rush, recently attended a JT Foxx business conference in Los Angeles where he met the co-founder of Apple – Steve Wozniak. In front of over 2,500 entrepreneurs and business leader’s, Steve spoke of his engineering passion above everything else; leaving marketing to his partner – the late Steve Jobs.
Wozniak stated “I did set out to change the world, but I didn’t set out to become famous for it. My goal was to make small machines that would make little people more powerful”. He went on to say that he “never had any desire to make lots of money – only creating through engineering innovation”.
It reinforced the idea that despite whatever marketing a business undertakes, great success only occurs where it is combined with robust systems, and where there is a resultant product of substance.
“I think too often engineers are undervalued in the business world. Being introduced to another engineer certainly made my day!” – Greg Rush.